The Digital Assessment Working Group (DAWG) is an ad-hoc working group established in March 2011 to develop recommendations for:
- an electronic assessment management system to facilitate the management, archiving and reporting of assessment activities for academic, student affairs and administrative units;
- managing the collection, use (reporting) and archiving of data from the new course evaluation form at course, program and institutional levels and in support of faculty tenure and promotion review.
The Working Group was established in response to the finding in UC Merced's accreditation self-study that the campus would benefit from a method to simplify reporting, sharing and archiving of assessment findings (UC Merced Educational Effectiveness Report, December 2010, p. 38). The Working Group's charge provides additional details.
- Laura Martin, chair, Coordinator for Institutional Assessment
- Fatima Paul, Academic Senate office
- Mike Wrona, Institutional Research and Decision Support
- Mariette Arraya, Information Technology
- Sara Davidson, Library
- Emily Langdon, Division of Student Affairs
- Corinne Townsend, School of Engineering
- Penny Paxton, School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts
- Elizabeth Whitt, Undergraduate Education
- Recommendations for an Assessment Management System, Feb. 14, 2012
- Recommendation on Course Evaluations, June 20, 2011
Last updated June 20, 2015